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Catalyst Institutions

Agenţia de Dezvoltare Regională Nord-Vest

Agenţia de Dezvoltare Regională Nord-Vest is a regional organization established as a public utility body, with legal personality, acting in specific fields regional development, the main objectives being to reduce regional disparities, the economic and social development of the region as well as to facilitate cooperation at regional, national and European level.
In the North of Transylvania, the Agency assumes the role of coordinating the strategic planning process at regional level by initiating strategic projects, by elaborating programming documents that reflect the region's specific priorities and issues by encouraging and multiplying initiatives with an impact on the social and economic development of the area and by supporting clusters in various areas of interest. Regarding the implementation of regional and operational programs, in the period 1999-2009 ADR North-West had the role of authority for the implementation of pre-accession funds within the Phare ESC and Development Programs. Intermediate Body for the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, being also delegated attributions that aimed at the implementation of Priority Axes 1 and 3 within the Operational Program for Growth Economic Competitiveness. North-West RDA also has the quality of Intermediate Body for the implementation of the ROP 2014 - 2020.

Contact address:
Cluj-Napoca, Calea Dorobanților 3, 400117, Romania
tel.: +40 264 431 550, fax: -

Cluj Innovation Park S.A

Cluj Innovation Park is the company created by the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca in order to manage and develop the Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries (CREIC) and the Center for Transfer, Evolution, Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise (TEAM). Cluj Innovation Park's mission is to create an attractive and innovative business center, through business support structures (CREIC and TEAM), in collaboration with the academic and business environment in Transylvania. The center will offer complete integrated services, at the highest quality, according to the expectations of its clients, in optimal economic conditions and sustainable (cost / benefit).

Adresa de contact:
Cluj-Napoca, str. Franklin D. Roosevelt, nr. 2-16, Romania
tel.: +40 264 450 320, fax: + 40 264 450 320,


We offer our clients the following services: realization of projects for obtaining non-reimbursable financing from European and national funds / project management for investments made from non-reimbursable, reimbursable funds or from client resources / consultancy / assistance in carrying out public procurement procedures both for the contracting authority and and for bidder / market research.

Contact address:
Zalău, str. Fabricii, nr. 11, 450081, Romania
tel.: +40 722 512 033, fax: +40 360 814 938


TETAROM S.A. is established in November 2001, with the main object of activity of managing the Industrial Parks, having the following shareholders: Cluj County Council, Câmpia Turzii Local Council, Cluj-Napoca Local Council, Dej Local Council, Gherla Local Council, Huedin Local Council, Turda Local Council. TETAROM is an abbreviation for Transylvania Equipment and Advanced Technologies produced in Romania.

Contact address:
Cluj-Napoca, Strada Tăietura Turcului nr.47, Cladirea A1, 400221 Romania
tel: +40 264 407 900, e-mail:


EUROTOP CONSULTING Through the varied and comprehensive service packages we support the successful realization of the development plans of our partners and by aligning with the European standards we contribute to the increase of their competitiveness.

Contact address:
Cluj-Napoca, Piaţa Gării, 400424
tel.: +40 264 334 440, fax: -

Zona Metropolitană Cluj

Cluj Metropolitan Area is set up as an inter-community development association, which includes the following territorial administrative units: Cluj-Napoca and the communes of Aiton, Apahida, Baciu, Bonțida, Borșa, Căianu, Chinteni, Ciurila, Cojocna, Feleacu, Floresti, Gilău, Gârbău, Jucu, Petreștii de Jos, Săvădisla, Sânpaul, Tureni and Vultureni.
Cluj County Council is also a founding member of the organization.

Contact address:
Cluj-Napoca, Piața Unirii, nr. 2, ap. 4
tel.: +40 747 196 681, fax: -

Contact us: tel/fax: +4(0)264.584.037